
Sunday, January 27, 2013

How To Set Up Your First Rat Habitat

Rat's are pretty adaptable rodents, and can easily transition from one environment to another. But that doesn't mean you should take every precaution to make sure your rat's habitat is the best home it can be. We've created a simple step by step plan to creating the perfect very first rat habitat.

Photo credit to For The Love of Rats Rescue.
Click their name to learn more about this great rescue!

Find The Right Cage: The perfect rat cage is at least 18 x 18 x 24 inches large. The bar spacing should be no wider than 1/2 an inch (to prevent escaping). Most multi-level ferret cages make perfect rat habitats! Rat's love jumping and climbing and are very comfortable in a home that offers more than one story. In fact we highly recommend it. Look for a cage that offers space in the bottom to fill with bedding (at least 2 to 3 inches high).

Layer Some Bedding: In the bottom of your rat's habitat add two to three inches of bedding. Avoid any evergreen beddings (cypress, pine, etc). Instead opt for aspen, dried moss, or even straw. Natural beddings are better, as they are safe in case they are accidentally ingested.

Add Different Levels: If you have a multi-level habitat, add lots of levels! Levels help give your rat inspiration to get up and get active. They also provide different areas for sleep, play, and eating and drinking. Try and find levels that are solid, not mesh or cage-bar like- as rats feet can get caught in these and possibly break.

Make A Dinner Table: On the second level of your rats habitat add a food and water dish. We don't recommend a water bottle because they easily get clogged and can cause dehydration. Instead use two heavy glass bowls for food and water. Why put them on the second level? They are away from bedding and sleep areas- which meals they won't be contaminated by possible feces and bedding messes.

Create A Play Gym: On a different level, or in the bottom corner of your rat's habitat add a play gym! A play gym is a place where your rat can climb, jump, play, and explore. You can create this area with a pile of sticks, a large rigid rock, or even a big piece of driftwood. Anything can make a good climbing area for a rat- just think of things that a tiny creature would find fun to run around on.

Add Some Tunnels: Most ferret cages come with a few optional tunnels. Use them! They're perfect for rats. But you can also make extra tunnels with pringles cans, PVC pipe, and even jeans legs. Tunnels provide a place for your rat to feel safe- as well as build nests and explore through.

Add Hide-Out Areas: Fill a few corners of your rat's habitat with hide-out areas. Hide-out areas can be made from a variety of things. Even an old shoebox can make a great hideout area for a rat. But tents, huts, and nap sacks also work very well as a getaway private area for your rat. These provide places for them to sleep. Also it gives them a place of security and safety where they can go if they feel threatened, scared, or just in need of some alone time.

Add Some Toys: Rats need constant entertainment, so fill your rat's habitat with all sorts of things to keep them entertained. A wheel, cat toys, dog snacks, and even pieces of fur and feathers can keep a rat entertained for a very long time. Get creative and pay attention to things to rat enjoys- then add more of them to its home!