
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dog Treats You Can Feed To Your Pet Rat

Rats are pretty adaptable creatures and can eat a variety of foods. Snacks are a great way to keep your rat entertained when you're not home, and it also adds much needed variety to their diet (that helps stimulate their mind and body). Because rats are omnivores and they require a certain degree of meat in their diet to stay healthy, dog treats can safely be fed to them. Dog treats are also very durable and crunchy- which means they make fantastic chew toys that can help keep rats' teeth from over-growing. Here are a few safe dog treats to try out with your little critter.

Photo credit to For The Love of Rats Rescue.
Click their name to learn more about this great rescue!

Dog Biscuits: Dog biscuits are great because they are tough enough to wear down rat's teeth. They also come in a variety of flavors. We've noticed that many rats really love milk bones, but will gnaw on almost any bone they can get their mouth around.

Rawhide: Rawhide chews are another great snack for rats. Because they are so tough, once again they'll help wear down your rat's teeth. Small dog breed rawhide chews are perfect for rats. They're just the right size and will keep your little fur ball entertained for hours.

Dried Pig Ears: Dried pig ears are great because they don't easily 'go bad'. They'll last a long time and your rat can play with them and snack on them for a week or two before you need to remove it and throw it away. Usually by that time your critter will have finished the entire thing. And most rats find these treats irresistible!

Dried Chicken Feet: Dried chicken feet are a great snack, because they are one of the few treats on the market that have bones small enough for rats to easily chew. Bones are packed with protein and calcium, which are nutrients that will help keep your pet rat healthy and strong.

Cow Ears: Like dried pig ears, cow ears are a yummy dried snack that do not easily rot. They're a fun light-weight size that can be carried, hidden, and gnawed apart- making them a great snack that also doubles as a fun toy.

Cow Hooves: Cow hooves are one of my personal favorite rat treats. Because they are hollowed out in the middle they can be filled with other treats and make a great foraging snack. You can put a whisked egg into the cow hoof and cook it in the oven on 350 for 5 minutes to create a yummy egg snack inside of the hoof!

Pork Bones: Pork bones are a favorite among many dogs, but they are also adored by rats. The meaty bits dried on the outside can easily be chewed away, while the bone itself can be a lasting "calcium" stick that can be left in your rat's habitat for weeks while they munch it up.